Frequently Asked Questions

How many designs have you made?So far, I have made 123 public designs and 121 commission designs, for a total of 244 designs! Feel free to check out the "all designs" link on the home page to see them all.
How long does it take to create a design?I don't have a definitive answer for this (as I tend to just "get lost in the pixels" and don't record my time), however, each design definitely takes a few hours! The creative process is anything but linear.
How long does it take to edit a post?Procreate, the app I use to edit my posts, tracks the time spent on a piece. Most posts take about 1.5 hours to edit, with my longest editing time being over five hours!
Where are you most active?Definitely Instagram!
When did you start this account?July 13th, 2020!
What type of commissions do you offer?I can make just about any design, but please check the "introduction" section under "commission info!" for more detailed information!
When do you work on commissions?I work about three hours Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, for a total of about nine-ish hours each weekend.
Can you come hang your designs in my Able Sisters' shop?Yes I can! If you'd like to get some pieces hung in your shop, I offer hangings for one coffee on Ko-fi (found on main Carrd page)
Can I pay you in bells or make a trade?Unfortunately, I no longer offer commissions through in game currency! My work simply takes too much time and effort to be worth any in-game currency.
Can I include one of your commissions in a giveaway?Absolutely! You can totally use one of my commissions as a prize or gift, the price will be the same as a regular commission.
How can I become a better designer?Come send me your questions, I'd love to hear them! I'm also working on something with my fellow designers, keep your eye out for updates on that!
Can I see your grids?Sorry to say, but I don't send people my grids. If you'd like to change something, I offer redesigns! Check out the "commission info" section.

Got any more questions? Send me a message!

Commission Information


Hello, my name is Lexie, the designer behind Nook By The Book! I work with people from all over the animal crossing world to create their perfect island lifestyle. Whether it’s creating your ideal wardrobe, the perfect designs for your unique theme, or changing one of my current pieces to your liking, I am here to help make your island dreams come true!I offer three types of commissions:
1) Regular commission: The classic commission, your ideas, your choices! Everything directed by you.
2) Island/aesthetic based commission: If you aren't exactly sure what you'd like, I also do commissions based on your island or your aesthetic! Works well with custom flags and clothes. We will always discuss the idea before I start.
3) Redesign commission: A commission at a much lower price, redesigns allow you to edit a currently existing clothing piece or path to fit your island more. Changes can be both small details and colors.
Check out the other sections for more information about the process, prices, and receiving your custom piece!


Curious how to get your own custom design? Here's a general overview to my commission process!

  • Start by sending me a message (preferably on Instagram, I'll respond quicker) about your idea!

  • Please provide details (including references) of your design idea. After I have enough information, I will give you a price range based on design type and complexity.

  • After I give you the price range, you get to choose an amount to pay within that range. I am willing to be flexible with prices, as I understand that not everyone can afford a more expensive commission. This price range is what I think would be fair for my time.

  • Through the website Ko-fi (found on my Carrd main page!) pay the price you chose within the price range discussed earlier. Ko-fi connects through PayPal and Stripe, and payments are made through the “donation” button.

  • My work does not begin until payments are made. So, whenever the payment comes through, I will begin to create your piece!

  • After working on your piece, I will send you a picture of the completed, first draft piece. I'll ask about your thoughts, and we will discuss if anything needs to be changed or adjusted.

  • Once your piece is perfect, I will post it on my private commission creator code. You’ll grab the piece, and I’ll remove it from the code! Please view the "Receiving" section for more information about privacy choices and your design.

Message me with questions if you have any!

General Prices

Here are some general prices of each design type! As said in the "process" section, you ultimately get to choose the final price of your design, as long as it is within the provided range given your idea and its complexity.

Design TypeAverage Price Range
Clothing Item$15-$30
Single tile design (flag, sign simple panel design, etc.)$15-$30
Multiple tile design (path, ground sign, larger decorations, etc)$5-$10 per piece
Standee design$15-$25

If you aren't looking for a full commission, I also offer redesigns on currently public pieces for a much lower price.

Item RedesignedPrice
Piece of path (Nana's path, stone mushroom/flower path)$3-$6 per piece
Clothing Item$4
Anything else$3+

Terms of Service

Now for the long and boring stuff, here is what I cannot do:

  • Extreme gore

  • Overly detailed pieces (I love details, however, excessive detail can get lost in translation!)

  • NSFW (mostly)

  • Anything with way too many different colors (I have a limited color palette)

I will do my absolute best to create everything to perfection for you, but due to the nature of the game and the pixels, some things will not translate as easily as other things.The design process is always an ongoing conversation; if I feel I am unable to create something, we can always talk about ways to make it fit your idea translate well into a pixel form.Refunds are only available if I haven’t started the piece and you’ve changed your mind, or if I have tried many styles and techniques and am unable to translate your idea into pixel art.The length of time will depend on how many commissions I have ahead of me, and how busy my real life is. I try to get drafts out to you in around 2-3 weeks, but I cannot guarantee that my schedule will line up perfectly with your commission, especially now that school has started once again. I will always do my best to get your piece to you ASAP! Feel free to reach out to me for updates, I'll do my best in letting you know how long it'll be.Please, let me know if you have a deadline! I am willing to work with deadlines, as long as you give me a heads up. I tend to spend a few hours creating these designs, so I will need to schedule out some time to work. No extra cost!I have the right to deny any work that you may request, although it is very unlikely.

Receiving Your Piece

There are many factors that go into receiving your piece, although most transfers go something like this:

  • You’ll confirm that the piece is to your liking

  • Unless specified, I’ll name the piece whatever you’ve described it with, or with your name. (i.e. Flower Decoration or Flag of Rosewood or Lexie’s Dress)

  • I’ll upload your piece to a private commission creator code, and I’ll send you the code through direct message.

  • After grabbing the piece (whenever is convenient for you, I am never in a rush) I’ll double check that everything looks good in person to you.

  • Once everything looks great, I’ll remove the design from the creator code.

Please specify if you'd like me to keep your design uploaded indefinitely!

After a few days to a few weeks, I’ll remove the design from my personal design catalogue. Be careful when moving designs around, I CANNOT replace a design that you overwrote! I try to take pictures of the design grid, however, I cannot confirm that I’ll always have it. If you have a specific need to keep it uploaded longer, i.e. you’d like to use the design on another island of yours, please simply ASK and I’ll keep it uploaded indefinitely!In rare cases, I may ask permission to post your design on my public profile, however, this design is YOUR design now, so you are welcome to deny this request. My feelings are never hurt, as I understand and support your decision either way.

Final Notes

Please remember, my job is to make something that you love! Whether you are simply asking for a quote, or asking for changes, I will not get offended in the slightest. No matter our relationship, if we’ve been friends forever or if we’ve just met, I am here to serve you as your personal designer! I also understand if you make a request, but then are unable to pay, or if you retract your request for a design before payment, please just be honest with me! This is simply my job, I do not get offended. Just let me know!You’ve made it to the end! Please let me know if you have questions, I’m always open to chat!